The Cherokee Excavations: Holocene Ecology and Human Adaptations in Northwestern Iowa

Reviewed by J. M. Adovasio, University of Pittsburgh "The Cherokee Excavations consists of 11 chapters that begin with a summary of excavation techniques and a cursory outline of the results of the project (Shutler, Anderson, Tatum, and Semken). The concluding chapter presents a synopsis of the project (Cherokee Sewer Site) and its salient culture-historical, paleoclimatic, and sundry other implications (Anderson, Shutler, and Wendland). Between these alpha and omega contributions are chapters on geology (Hoyer) and Holocene climatic reconstructions based either on mammalian microfaunal data from the site (Semken) or terrestrial gastropods (Baerreis). Sections on Holocene Prairie Peninsula vegetational (Baker and Van Zant) and climatic (Wendland) reconstructions are also present. Additionally, the large mammal fauna, essentially bison, is treated extensively (Pyle) as are the lithic (Anderson) and bone tool assemblages (Tatum and Shutler). Also included is a chapter presenting a seasonal subsistence model for pedestrian bison hunters on the eastern plains (Tatum)." The content of this book connects to the following Chronological Eras: Three Worlds Meet (Beginning to 1620) Resource can be used with the following standards to further develop lessons: Kindergarten SS K.14 Environment, 1st grade SS 1.23 Cultural Makeup, and SS-Geo. 9-12.24 Iowans Influence Iowa Environment.