2018.009.023 [Clipping, Newspaper]

This newspaper clipping shares the story of the five Wilson brothers from Dexter, Iowa, who served during World War II. The clipping includes the pictures of three of the brothers, Dale, Daniel, and Claiborne, who each lost their lives during the war. The two other brothers, Delbert and Donald, both survived the war. At the time of this clipping, Delbert had returned home after being discharged and Donald was stationed in Seattle, Washington. Content can be used with the following standards: SS W.H. 9-12.26 Iowans Influence World History in a lesson on Iowans in WWII and their experience/services in the war. Other objects about the Wilson brothers can be found in relations. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item regarding copyright restrictions.