2018.010.005 [Print, Photographic]

On July 4,1946, the town of Muscatine held a celebration for both the 50th anniversary of the pearl button industry in Muscatine and Iowa''s centennial. During the celebration, seven women who each represented one of Muscatine's major pearl button factories tried to be crowned Pearl Button Queen. The winner was selected by Ronald Reagan, who sent in his choice by telegram. During the celebration, the seven women sat on a large parade float shaped like a large mussel shell. This photograph shows the Pearl Button Queen float and some of the women who sat upon it. Content can be used with the following standards: 2nd grade SS 2.24 Natural Resources, SS-W.H. 9-12.26 Iowans Influence World History and 4th grade SS 4.25 Technological Changes in a lesson on how the natural resources of Iowa led to businesses and new industries. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item regarding copyright restrictions.