2018.018.017 [Board]

This piece of wood was taken from the Andersonville Prison stockade. The prison, officially named Camp Sumter, opened in early 1864 and was open for 14 months. During this time, the prison housed 45,000 Union soldiers. 13,000 of these prisoners died from elements such as poor sanitation, overcrowding and exposure. During the Civil War, Martin Van Buren Sunderlin, a resident of Black Hawk County, was captured by Confederate soldiers after the Battle of Shiloh. After he was captured, Sunderlin traded identities with another soldier, John Elwell, so that Elwell would be released. Some sources claimed that Sunderlin was sent to Andersonville Prison in Elwell's place; however, the prison did not open until two years after they were captured. Elwell escaped and resigned his commission in 1862, while Sunderlin was discharged in February 1863, meaning that the trade most likely did not occur at Andersonville. Content can be used with the following standards: SS-U.S. 9-12.23 Iowans Influence U.S. History in a lesson on Iowans' experience and impact in the Civil War. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item regarding copyright restrictions.