2018.018.022 [Uniform, Military]

Pictured above is a brown dress shirt worn under a military coat. This shirt was worn by Lt. Robert Hibbs of the 2nd Battalion during the Vietnam War. Lt. Hibbs was in command of the 2nd Battalion on an observation mission to scout out Viet Cong companies. The company spotted an enemy company coming right for them. With Lt. Hibbs expertise, he prepared the men for an attack and emplaced two antipersonnel mines in their path. Once they got close, Lt. Hibbs detonated them. Lt. Hibbs was at the front lines to help his company retreat by throwing hand grenades at the charging Viet Cong. As the Battalion was retreating, they caught the second Viet Cong company by surprise. Lt. Hibbs charged right toward the Viet Cong and went to rescue the wounded US soldiers. While rescuing the wounded, Lt. Hibbs sacrificed himself so his comrades could escape. For his bravery and ultimate sacrifice, Lt. Robert Hibbs was given the Congressional Medal of Honor, the highest honor a soldier can receive in the American Military. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item regarding copyright restrictions.