2018.018.146 [Bottle]

This is a cream bottle that was used by the Brunskill Farms Dairy during the first half of the 20th century. Brunskill Farms was founded in 1938 and merged with Cedar Falls Dairy (founded in 1933) to form Daisy Dairy in 1966. Daisy Dairy operated until it was merged with Farmers Butter and Dairy Cooperative out of Fredericksburg, IA in 1980. This particular bottle is a glass, half-pint container which would have been delivered in a crate to people living in the Cedar Falls/Waterloo area. This content can be used with the following resources: SS 4.25: Technological Change SS-Econ.9-12.24: Iowa Economy Impact Upon The dairy business in the United States has evolved so drastically since the mid-20th century that this piece provides students with a quality snapshot of what dairy product and distribution technology looked like in that time period. The context of the item and the company which owned it also provides students with reference for how the rural agricultural landscape in Iowa has changed in response to economic changes over time. For any use other than instrutional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item for any copyright restrictions.