2018.046.001 [Compass, Surveyor's]

This compass was used by Dr. John Cook to survey the site that became Sioux City, Iowa, in 1855. Cook was a member of the Sioux City Townsite Company, which bought the land owned by Joseph Leonais to turn into a town. Cook took the name for the town from the nearby Big Sioux River. A group of Native Americans on the Floyd River threatened violence against Cook's crew until Cook threatened to call the army, after which they left. Sioux City soon secured a post office and a land office. Cook served as the postmaster, president of the Sioux City Land and Ferry Company, county judge, and later mayor of the new town. In 1857, Cook left his political offices and served as a medical doctor for many years. In 1879, he left Sioux City and moved to St. Louis, Missouri. He passed away in 1885. Content can be used with the following standards: 3rd grade SS 3.27 Immigration and Migration and 8th grade SS 8.25 Iowa Government in a lesson on migration westward and establishment of Iowan towns in the mid-1800s. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item regarding copyright restrictions.