2018.046.007 [Bag, Seed]

This sack was used by the American Pop Corn Company to ship popcorn to movie theaters. The American Pop Corn Company was founded in Sioux City, Iowa by Cloid Smith in 1914, making it the oldest popcorn company in the United States. The company, which created Jolly Time popcorn, used several methods to ship and sell popcorn directly to consumers and in stores. The company often used sacks like this one, which held 100 pounds of popcorn, to sell popcorn to theaters because the theaters needed large amounts of popcorn and often sold it rather quickly. Content can be used with the following standards: SS-Econ. 9-12.24 Iowa Impact Upon Economy in a lesson on Iowa businesses in the Great Depression era. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item regarding copyright restrictions.