2020.006.001 [Torch, Campaign]

This is a Wide Awake torch used by the political youth group known as the Wide Awakes. The Wide Awakes began as a paramilitary organization for youth activists under the Republican Party in the 1860s. The organization aimed to increase the political awareness of young voters after the political nervousness of the 1850s and to provide youths in the northern states with a sense of political identity. The Wide Awakes were encouraged and supported by President Abraham Lincoln, who hoped they would inspire more young voters to become more involved in the nation's political life. Torches became an important symbol of the Wide Awakes after their first series of marches in support of Lincoln prior to the American Civil War (1861-1865). This content can be used with the following resources: SS-US.9-12.2: Iowans Impact United States History This torch can be used in lessons regarding the ways in which Iowa has played into politcal events, rallies, and campaigns throughout the United States. The torch is a powerful image of political awareness during the 19th century and can be used to educate students on youth political movements that Iowans participated in throughout time. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item for any copyright restrictions.