History of Road Legislation in Iowa.

Editor's Introduction: There is a widespread feeling that highway administration in Iowa is inefficient and that our road legislation needs rewriting. Indeed, the demand for adequate legislation as to roads is quite as general as the demand for tax reforms. Moreover, wise legislation in the one case as well as in the other will seek to make advance along the lines of experience. Thus, the history of road legislation must be made the starting point in any well directed effort to inaugurate reform measures. To know what has been done and what is now being done, here and elsewhere, as to highway administration, is to know what were best to do in the future. The history of road legislation in Iowa reveals at every stage the supreme importance of local government in the State's administration. It is evident that the time has come when more attention must be given to administration in the townships and counties; for in the political readjustments which are pending the most extensive redefinition will be along lines of local administration. Moreover, in the redefinition of local institution and methods of administration history will serve as our most helpful guide. Resource can be used with the following standards to further develop lessons: SS-Gov. 9-12.28 Iowa Issues and Policy and SS-Geo. 9-12.24 Iowans Influence Iowa Environment.