1 |
“American Gothic,” Iowa’s most famous work of art
2 |
1933 Shootout in Dexfield Park with the Barrow Gang - Bonnie & Clyde
3 |
1948 Speech by President Harry S. Truman
4 |
20th Century Immigration to Iowa
5 |
A Book of Iowa Authors
Iowa State Teachers Association |
1930 |
6 |
A History of Dickinson County, Iowa, together with an Account of the Spirit Lake massacre, and the Indian troubles on the northwestern Frontier
The Kenyon Printing & Mfg. Co. |
1902 |
7 |
A History of the Extension Services of Iowa State College
Collegiate Press, Inc. |
1934 |
8 |
A History of the People of Iowa
The Torch Press |
1921 |
9 |
A History of the Sixth Iowa Infantry
State Historical Society of Iowa |
1923 |
10 |
A Library in the Making: Pioneer History of the Territorial and State Library of Iowa.
1913 |
11 |
A Record of the Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of the College
Cornell College |
1904 |
12 |
Amelia Bloomer
13 |
American Legion in Iowa
The State Historical Society of Iowa |
1929 |
14 |
Annie Savery
15 |
Anti-German Sentiment in World War I
16 |
Bandits in Iowa (John Dillinger/ Bonnie and Clyde)
17 |
Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa
Hobart Pub. Co. |
1906 |
18 |
Brief History of the State Historical Society of Iowa 1857-1907
State Historical Society of Iowa |
1907 |
19 |
20 |
Buxton Mining Town
21 |
Camp Dodge -- Iowa History Journal
Iowa History Journal |
2017 |
22 |
Carrie Chapman Catt
23 |
Cedar Rapids in the Roaring Twenties
24 |
Col. Emil Tyden
25 |
Commission Government in Iowa
The State Historical Society of Iowa |
1912 |
26 |
Conger Reynolds
27 |
Cora Chaplin Weed (1844-1910)
28 |
Country School: A Study of its Foundations, Relations, Developments, Activities, and Possibilities
C. Scribner's Sons |
1913 |
29 |
Dedication of Monuments Erected by the State of Iowa
E. H. English, State Printer |
1908 |
30 |
Des Moines, The Pioneer of Municipal Progress and Reform of the Middle West, Together with the History of Polk County, Iowa, the Largest, Most Populous and Most Prosperous County in the State of Iowa
S. J. Clarke Pub. Co. |
1911 |
31 |
Dexfield Park
32 |
Dexter Community Building/AKA Roundhouse
33 |
Dexter Public Library
34 |
Early Settlement and Growth of Western Iowa, or Reminiscences
The Historical Dept. of Iowa |
1906 |
35 |
Economics History of the Production of Beef Cattle in Iowa
The State Historical Society of Iowa |
1928 |
36 |
Eleanor Chafin Stockman: A Champion for Women's Suffrage
37 |
Eunice Viola “Ola” Babcock Miller
38 |
Exploring Buried Buxton: Archaeology of an Abandoned Coal Mining Town with A Large Black Population.
Iowa State University Press |
1984 |
39 |
From Iowa to the Philippines
Thomas D. Murphy Co. |
1900 |
40 |
From Prosperity to Depression Part 1: 1898-1914
41 |
From Prosperity to Depression Part 2: 1898-1939 World War I
42 |
From Prosperity to Depression Part 3: 1919-1939 The 1920s
43 |
Geography of Iowa
America Book Co. |
1921 |
44 |
Good Roads and Community Life in Iowa
Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts |
1917 |
45 |
Herbert Hoover's Boyhood
The Armstrong Pub. Co. |
1929 |
46 |
Herbert Hoover's Boyhood in Iowa
Government Printing Office |
1928 |
47 |
History and Civil Government of Iowa
Werner School Book Co. |
1897 |
48 |
History of Adair County, Iowa and its People
The Pioneer Pub. Co. |
1915 |
49 |
History of Banking in Iowa
Arno Press |
1980 |
50 |
History of Butler County, Iowa; A Record of Settlement, Organization, Process and Achievement.
S. J. Clarke Pub. Co. |
1914 |
51 |
History of Clay County, Iowa: From its Earliest Settlement to 1909
S. J. Clarke Pub. Co. |
1909 |
52 |
History of Crawford County, Iowa: a record of settlement, organization, progress, and achievement
S. J. Clarke Pub. Co. |
1911 |
53 |
History of Delaware County, Iowa and its People
S. J. Clarke Pub. Co. |
1914 |
54 |
History of Des Moines County, Iowa and Its People
The S. J. Clarke Pub. Co. |
1915 |
55 |
History of Economic Legislation in Iowa
State Historical Society of Iowa |
1918 |
56 |
History of Education in Iowa.
State Historical Society of Iowa |
1914 |
57 |
History of Fort Dodge and Webster County, Iowa
Pioneer Pub. Co. |
1913 |
58 |
History of Franklin County, Iowa; A Record of Settlement, Organization, Process and Achievement
S. J. Clarke Pub. Co. |
1914 |
59 |
History of Iowa County, Iowa and Its People
S. J. Clarke Pub. Co. |
1915 |
60 |
History of Iowa from the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century
The Century History Co. |
1903 |
61 |
History of Jones County, Iowa: Past and Present
S. J. Clarke Pub. Co. |
1910 |
62 |
History of Kossuth County, Iowa: a record of all important events in any manner relating to its existence, organization, progress and achievement from the earliest times to the mid-summer of 1912
S. J. Clarke Pub. Co. |
1913 |
63 |
History of Labor Legislation in Iowa
State Historical Society of Iowa |
1910 |
64 |
History of Linn County Iowa: from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time.
The Torch Press |
1911 |
65 |
History of Louisa County, Iowa: From its Earliest Settlement to 1912
1911 |
66 |
History of Medicine in Iowa
Iowa State Medical Society |
1927 |
67 |
History of Muscatine County, Iowa, from the Earliest Settlements to the Present time
S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., |
1911 |
68 |
History of Poweshiek County, Iowa
S. J. Clarke, Pub. Co. |
1911 |
69 |
History of Road Legislation in Iowa.
State Historical Society of Iowa |
1912 |
70 |
History of Senatorial Elections in Iowa: A Study in American Politics
1912 |
71 |
History of Story County, Iowa; A Record of Settlement, Organization, Process and Achievement
S. J. Clarke Pub. Co. |
1911 |
72 |
History of Taxation in Iowa
State Historical Society of Iowa |
1911 |
73 |
History of the Constitutions of Iowa
Historical Dept. of Iowa |
1902 |
74 |
History of Township Government in Iowa
State Historical Society of Iowa |
1914 |
75 |
I am a man; the Indian Black Hawk, a book by Cyrenus Cole, marking the one hundredth anniversary of the passing of Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak
State Historical Society of Iowa |
1938 |
76 |
I Remember, I Remember: a Book of Recollections
State Historical Society of Iowa |
1936 |
77 |
Illustrative Maps of the Boundary History of Iowa
The State Historical Society of Iowa |
1904 |
78 |
Introduction to the History and Government of Iowa
Houghton Mifflin Co. |
1920 |
79 |
Iowa as a Manufacturing State
Iowa State College |
1926 |
80 |
Iowa Civil War Loan
State Historical Society of Iowa |
1917 |
81 |
Iowa Department of the Grand Army of the Republic
State Historical Society of Iowa |
1936 |
82 |
Iowa History as Told in Biography
Holst Printing Co. |
1932 |
83 |
Iowa State Capitol Fire - 1904
84 |
Iowa Women in the First World War
85 |
Iowa: Its History and Its Foremost Citizens
S.J. Clarke Pub. Co. |
1915 |
86 |
James Harlan
State Historical Society of Iowa |
1913 |
87 |
Leading Events in Johnson County, Iowa
Western Historical Press |
1912 |
88 |
Lost Buxton
Arcadia Pub. Co. |
2017 |
89 |
Mary Jane Coggeshall - The Mother of Woman's Sufferage in Iowa
90 |
Memories of a Former Kid
Iowa State University Press |
1978 |
91 |
Mira Hershey
92 |
Musician Calvin P. Titus Scales the Tartar Wall during the Boxer Rebellion
93 |
Nelson Mortimer Percy
94 |
One Hundred Topics in Iowa History
State Historical Society of Iowa |
1914 |
95 |
Ora Pearl Mc Gill
96 |
Our Iowa, Its Beginnings and Growth
Newson & Co. |
1938 |
97 |
Project 1047: New Deal Archaeology in Iowa -- "In Shovel Ready: Archaeology and Roosevelt's New Deal for America"
University of Alabama Press |
2013 |
98 |
Rural Electrification
99 |
Sadie Rae Scott’s Excellent Adventure
100 |
Samuel Jordan Kirkwood
State Historical Society of Iowa |
1917 |
101 |
Sebastiana "Anna" Sanchez (1875-1959)
102 |
Social Legislation in Iowa
State Historical Society of Iowa |
1914 |
103 |
Stories of Iowa for Boys and Girls
The MacMillan Co. |
1929 |
104 |
Story of Iowa: Written for Use in the Schools of Iowa
Klipto Loose Leaf Co. |
1931 |
105 |
Study of Iowa Population as Related to Industrial Conditions
Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts |
1912 |
106 |
Susan Fitch Stone
107 |
Tales of Iowa
Yelland & Hanes |
1932 |
108 |
Tax Administration in Iowa
State Historical Society of Iowa |
1912 |
109 |
The 88th Division in the World War of 1914-1918
Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford Co |
1919 |
110 |
The Battleship Iowa (BB-4) at the Battle of Santiago Bay, July 3, 1898
111 |
The Beautiful Heritage: A History of Diocese of Iowa 1853-2003
Diocese of Iowa |
2003 |
112 |
The Blue Book of Iowa Women; A History of Contemporary Women
Press of the Missouri Printing and Pub. Co. |
1914 |
113 |
The Braunwarth Sisters
114 |
The CCC in Iowa
115 |
The Cow War
116 |
The Food Administration in Iowa
State Historical Society of Iowa |
1923 |
117 |
The Government of Iowa
Silver, Burdett and Co. |
1915 |
118 |
The Hollanders of Iowa
State Historical Society of Iowa |
1912 |
119 |
The Ku Klux Klan in Iowa
120 |
The Mennonites in Iowa
State Historical Society of Iowa |
1939 |
121 |
The Spanish Influenza
122 |
The Story of Iowa: A Children's History
Holst Printing Co. |
1931 |
123 |
The Story of the 168th Infantry (Vol. I & II)
State Historical Society of Des Moines |
1925 |
124 |
The U.S. Enters World War I
125 |
The U.S. Navy's First Sea-Going battleship: The USS Iowa (1897-1923)
126 |
Women’s Suffrage Movement in Iowa