2018.071.016 [Tire]

In 1931, the National Corn Husking Contest was held in Grundy County, Iowa. Orville Welch won as Theodore Balko (2nd) and Lee Carey (3rd) placed behind him. Around 35,000 people attended. It was hosted on Clyde Wilhelm's farm. This competition relied heavily on local organizations and farmers for assistance. Companies throughout the midwest would also advertise their farming products as the contests went on. Women participated in these contests as well, but were not publicised by Wallaces' Farmer due to gender issues going on at that time. Even though this was the case, women contests still occurred. These contests included the same _rules and regulations as men_. The only difference was Wallace believed that 80 minutes would be too much for women, so he shortened the contests to 30 minutes long (lib.dr.iastate.edu). For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item regarding copyright restrictions.