2021.003.014 [Clipping, Newspaper]

This is an article published in the Davenport Democrat and Leader newspaper on May 8, 1918. The aticle headline reads, "Map of Germany Torn From Text Books Here: Students of Pierce School 'Bury the Kaiser' and His Lands." The article describes how maps of Germany were taken by students and burned, along with 300 other materials on Germany, in the yard of the Pierce school in full view of faculty. It describes the furor and fervent fanaticism that was present during the event, with cries of "Burn the Beast" being chanted amongst the student body. This event was part of a larger trend during the First World War in which rural Americans launched waves of anti-German protests in schools. This content can be used with the following resources: SS-Gov.9-12.28: Iowa Issues and Policy This content can be used to educate students on how wider trends in political policy and ideology can have tremendously devastating impacts on public education in the state of Iowa. The burning of books and other educational material is a highly political act which is often spurred on by decisions made by people in positions of legal authority. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item for any copyright restrictions.