2018.048.010 [Dress, Folk]

On April 20,1939, Crown Prince Frederick of Denmark and his wife, Crown Princess Ingrid, traveled from Omaha, Nebraska, to Des Moines, Iowa. The couple made a stop in Atlantic, Iowa, and addressed a crowd of 5,000 people. The Atlantic high school band played the Danish national anthem and the Crown Prince addressed the crowd in both Danish and English. This folk dress was worn by Alice Hansen, one of two girls from Elk Horn, Iowa, who were selected to meet the Danish royals. The two girls presented a bouquet of flowers to the royals, and they believed they were selected because they could speak Danish. The dress was handmade by Alice Hansen's mother. Content can be used with the following standards: 3rd grade SS 3.27 Immigration and Migration and SS-WH 9-12.26 Iowans Influence World History in a lesson on Danish immigrants in Iowa and their relations between the United States and Denmark. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item regarding copyright restrictions.