2018.018.102 [Oiler, Hog]

This ridged concrete ball is a hog oiler. Both the base and ball are made of concrete, with metal braces. It is believed to have been made by Standard Manufacturing of Cedar Falls, Iowa. The base was filled with oil and when the ball pivoted on its braces, it was coated with oil. Hogs are often bothered by insects and by rubbing up against the oily ball, they are able to coat their skin with oil and find relief from insects and their bites. Walter K. Voorhees founded Standard Manufacturing in 1910. The company originally manufactured steel gates and farm equipment like this hog oiler. In 1919, Voorhees was elected to the Cedar Falls Park Board where he played a major role in the development of Island and Washington parks. Washington Park was the site of the first public golf course in Cedar Falls, a nine-hole course. Walter Voorhees found that it was impossible to buy equipment for the course. He began manufacturing what was needed himself, and Standard Golf is now the world's leading manufacturer of golf course accessories. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item regarding copyright restrictions.