2018.008.003 [Strip, Comic]

One of the popular features of the "Decorah-Posten" newspaper was the comic strip "Han Ola og Han Per", which was introduced in 1918. This comic strip, drawn by Peter Julius Rosendahl, a farmer who was born to Norwegian immigrants, followed the humorous mishaps of two Norwegian immigrants, Ola and Per, with an interesting mix of English and Norwegian dialects. The comic strip was reprinted almost continually until Decorah-Posten stopped publication in 1972. This is an original sketch drawn by Peter Julius Rosendahl. Content can be used for the following standards: 1st grade SS 1.23 Cultural Makeup, 3rd grade SS 3.28 Cultural Contributions and 9-12 SS-Geo. 9-12.24 Iowans Influence Environment. Content can be used with other Norwegian artifacts (found in relations) in a lesson on Norwegian immigrants in Iowa and their impact and experience in the state. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item regarding copyright restrictions.