2018.008.002 [Typesetter]

This typesetting machine was used by the newspaper, "Decorah-Posten." "Decorah-Posten" was a Norwegian-language newspaper that was started in Decorah, Iowa, in 1874 by Brynhild Anundsen, an immigrant from Telemark, Norway. Unlike other newspaper editors, Anundsen avoided political and religious controversy. The newspaper featured news contributed by Norwegian immigrants about happenings in their communities in the United States and back in Norway. This machine was used by the paper until 1973. Content can be used with the following standards: SS 1.23 Cultural Makeup, SS 3.27 Immigration and Migration, SS 3.28 Cultural Contributions and SS-Geo. 9-12.24 Iowans Influence Environment. Object can be used with other objects in relations to form a lesson on Norwegian immigrants in Iowa and the contributions they made to the state and community. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item regarding copyright restrictions.