2018.009.020 [Ad, Newspaper]

This is an advertisement for a Dexter Hog Oiler, which was patented in 1916 by William J. Marsh, who operated the Dexter Hog Oiler Company until he sold it to a Cedar Rapids company. Another version of the Dexter Hog Oiler may have been patented in 1918. Hog Oilers such as this one provided hogs with skin protection and protection against insects. When hogs sought relief, they would rub up against the machine, causing the wheel to rotate and pour oil onto their body. Content can be used with the following standards: 4th grade SS 4.25 Technological Changes and 4th grade SS 4.26 Changes to Agriculture in a lesson on how the new technology of the Second Industrial Revolution helped improve farm life. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item regarding copyright restrictions.