2018.040.010 [Textbook]

This textbook, which was first created in 1893, was used to teach German speakers how to read, write, and speak English. In May 1918, Iowa Governor William Harding issued the Babel Proclamation, which made it illegal for anyone to speak any language other than English in public, in schools, and in church. In the months that followed this proclamation, textbooks like this replaced German textbooks used in places such as the Amana Colonies, where most of the population spoke German. This marked one of the first steps towards standardized education in Iowa. Content can be used with the following standards; 3rd grade SS 3.27 Immigration and Migration, 8th grade SS 8.25 Iowa Government, SS-Gov. 9-12.27 Unique Iowa Systems, SS-US. 9-12.23 Iowans Influence US History, and SS-Gov. 9-12.28 Iowa Issues and Policy in a lesson on anti-German sentiment in Iowa during the early 1900s. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item regarding copyright restrictions.