2018.040.009 [Clipping, Newspaper]

During World War I, men from the Amana Colonies in Iowa County were exempted from serving in the military due to their religious and pacifist beliefs. In 1918, men from Iowa County gathered for a send-off event before they traveled to Camp Dodge for training. This newspaper clipping discusses how the event almost turned violent when many people became angry at the Amana colonists for not participating in the war. Content can be used with the following standards: SS-Gov. 9-12.27 Unique Iowa Systems, SS-Gov. 9-12.28 Iowa Issues and Policy, SS-US 9-12.23 Iowans Influence US History in a lesson on religious communities in Iowa and their interactions with state and national government. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item regarding copyright restrictions.