2018.002.023 [Tag, Identification]

Two round, grey metal (nickel?) identification disks tied together with a faded brown cord. The inscription on the front faces of both disks reads, "Rudolph McNee - U.S.A." The inscription on the back faces of both disks reads, "2,104,341." The front face of one of the disks has this number engraved into its surface, although the details are difficult to read due to a considerable amount of damage to the engraving. Both tags are connected by a brown cord running through circular holes near the perimeter of both disks. The cord shows considerable wear and tear; the ends and sides contain considerable amounts of patina. One of the tags appears to have been attached to the cord after the original tag was attached: it is tied onto the other tag's loop with a smaller length of cord. The ends of these cords are heavily frayed, although this appears to have occurred quite a time ago. This content can be used with the following resources: SS-WH.9-12.26: Iowans Influence World History This content can be used to educate students on how Iowa servicemen during the First World War contributed to the changing political, cultural, and technological landscape of the early twentieth century and how the events of the war impacted the lives of Iowans. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item for any copyright restrictions.