2018.043.019 [Photograph]

This is the Spanish battleship Vizcarla's wreckage in the aftermath of the Battle of Santiago de Cuba during the Spanish American War. The Vizcarla was sent to New York on a goodwill mission in return for the USS Maine's appearance in Havana, Cuba but was deployed back to Cape Verde shortly after the latter ship exploded. When war was declared between the United States and Spain, the Vizcarla returned to Cuba and participated in the Battle of Santiago de Cuba, where it was beaten and wrecked when its forward magazines exploded. This content can be used with the following resources: SS-WH.9-12.27: Iowans Impact World History This content can be used to educate students on the impact of the battles that Iowans participate in throughout world history. The Battle of Santiago de Cuba during the Spanish American War featured the USS Iowa, which was named after the state of the same name. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item for any copyright restrictions.