2018.021.053 [Depot, Railroad]

The Chicago Great Western Railroad (formerly the Chicago, Kansas City, & St. Paul Railroad) depot was one of two train depots located in Diagonal, Iowa. The town of Diagonal was named after a Chicago, Kansas City, & St. Paul Railroad route that connected Des Moines to St. Joseph, Missouri. The route was built in a diagonal direction, which earned it the nickname "the diagonal." The route crossed the Keokuk & Western Railroad one mile east of the town of Goshen. In 1889, the town of Goshen decided to take advantage of the railroad intersection and built a new town near it, Diagonal. Content can be used with the following standards: SS-Econ. 9-12.24 Iowa Economy Impact Upon and 4th grade SS 4.25 Technological Changes in a lesson on town and business expansion due to the increasing railway. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item regarding copyright restrictions.