I am a man; the Indian Black Hawk, a book by Cyrenus Cole, marking the one hundredth anniversary of the passing of Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak

With that clearer perception of historical facts which comes only through the vista of many years, Mr. Cyrenus Cole has written a book on Black Hawk which places the life and character of that illustrious Indian in proper perspective as a chapter in the tragic story of the Red Man in American. It was in the year of 1838 that the Indian Black Hawk died in the territory which had been created by Congress six years after the Black Hawk War. Thus the year 1938 marks the centennial of the Territory of Iowa and the one hundredth anniversary of the passing of Black Hawk. Resource can be used with the following standards to further develop lessons: 1st grade SS 1.23 Cultural Makeup and SS-US 9-12.23 Iowa Influences US History.