2018.021.066 [Depot, Railroad]

This photograph shows the Chicago Great Western Railroad depot in Knowlton, Iowa, as it appeared around 1910. Knowlton was established in Jefferson Township when the Chicago Great Western Railroad (then known as the Chicago, Kansas City, & St. Paul Railroad) built their coal chutes here on their new rail line in 1887. Knowlton voted to incorporate on December 30, 1890. Over the next few years, Knowlton competed with the town of Diagonal, located one mile away, for commerce, capital, and the railroad's support. This competition helped Knowlton start declining around 1907. The town later forfeited its incorporated status in 1926. Nothing is left of the former town today. Content can be used with the following standards: 4th grade SS 4.25 Technological Changes and SS-Econ. 9-12.24 Iowa Impact Upon Economy in a lesson on how the increasing railways led to town establishments and rise of new businesses. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item regarding copyright restrictions.