2018.021.065 [Bank]

This building, located at 121 W. Monroe in Mount Ayr, Iowa, contained A. O. Ingram's Dry Goods Store and the Mt. Ayr Bank. Ringgold County residents C. B. Morris and George Allyn founded the Mt. Ayr Bank in 1880. Morris retired in 1885 and George's brother, John, joined the firm. The Allyn brothers lost their bank building to fire in April 1890. The brothers worked with Andrew Ingram to build this new building during the following year. The building burned down in 1900. Content can be used with the following standards: SS-Econ. 9-12.24 Iowa Economy Impact Upon in a lesson on Iowan businesses in the early 1900s. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item regarding copyright restrictions.