2018.072.015 [Brochure]

The Colfax Hotel was built in 1882 by the Old M.C. Springs Development and Improvement Company. The hotel received the name "Saratoga of the West" as it grew in popularity. In 1892, the corporation management failed and the hotel was sold to Wesley Jordan for $10,000. Hard times fell on the Colfax Hotel and is was sold again in 1904 to Col. James Donahue of Davenport. During the next four years, Col. Donahue poured between $600,000 to $700,000 in renovation to the hotel and property. The renovations added two hundred rooms, an electric railway into Colfax, and changing the inward and outward appearance of the hotel. The hotel received a new nickname, the "miniature city," due to the garage and ice storage plants housed inside the hotel. The hotel also housed an electric powerhouse, pumping system, and laundry. Pictured above is the front cover of the Colfax Hotel brochure Col. Donahue had made to advertise the hotel. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item regarding copyright restrictions.