1 |
Are You a Producer or Consumer?
45 Minutes |
2 |
Capturing Change
40 Minutes |
3 |
Changes in Transportation over Time
45 Minutes |
4 |
Comparing Natural Resources
50 minutes |
5 |
Constitutional Amendment Activity
40-45 Minutes |
6 |
Corn Production in Iowa vs. Mexico
40-45 Minutes |
7 |
Creation of Separate but Equal
40-45 Minutes |
8 |
Do you know your rights?
40-45 Minutes |
9 |
Farming Changes from the 1800s to 1900s
1 Hour |
10 |
Harvesting Corn
40-45 Minutes |
11 |
How do people's needs and wants change based on their surroundings and make them different?
35-40 Minutes |
12 |
Immigration and Iowa
40-45 Minutes |
13 |
Impacts of Agriculture
45 Minutes |
14 |
Importance of citizens working in their communities
40-45 Minutes |
15 |
Industrial Revolution in Iowa
75 Minutes |
16 |
Inequality in Iowa
4 days |
17 |
Iowa Compared to the World
3 Days |
18 |
Iowa's Role in Civil Rights
50 minutes |
19 |
Iowan Occupations Then and Now: A Timeline Comparison
45 Minutes |
20 |
Kicking off on the Oregon Trail
20-30 Minutes |
21 |
NAACP's Goals and Impact
45 Minutes |
22 |
Propaganda and Women's Suffrage
1 hour |
23 |
Rules in Different Places
40 Minutes |
24 |
Schools From the Past to Now
40 Minutes |
25 |
Student Voices on Race: 1968-1970
4 class periods, 50 minutes each |
26 |
What Does My City Look Like?
40 Minutes |