2018.071.011 [Cornhusker, Hand]

Exhibit of Clarence Bockes' husking gloves, as well as photographs and articles pertaining to Bockes competing at various national and state corn husking contests. Clarence Bockes was a farmer from Grundy County, Iowa. Through the 1920s and 1930s, he competed in multiple corn husking contests, from the local to the national level. In 1933, Bockes won the Iowa State Championship for Corn Husking. Bockes was one of four men from Grundy County who dominated the corn husking contests. The other men were Ben Grimmus Jr., E.H. Hendricks, and Joe Grimmus (lib.dr.iastate.edu, 181-185). For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item regarding copyright restrictions.