2018.003.005 [Lithograph]

This is a lithograph depicting the establishment of the Equitable Life Insurance Company in Des Moines, Iowa, in 1867. The company was founded when Hoyt Sherman joined with other local community leaders. Hoyt Sherman began as a lawyer in 1849, the same year became Post Master of the Des Moines post office. A relative of Union General William Tecumseh Sherman, Hoyt went on to be a prominent member of the Des Moines community until his death in the latter half of the nineteenth century. His primary legacy is the Hoyt Sherman Place historical site in Des Moines. This content can be used with the following resources: SS-US.9-12.2: Iowans Influence US History This content can be used to educate students on how local Iowans in history have made important contributions to both local and national affairs. Hoyt Sherman was a prominent public figure in Des Moines and influenced a significant portion of history in the city. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item for any copyright restrictions.