2018.003.006 [Photograph]

This is a photograph of the new Equitable of Iowa Life Insurance company in Des Moines during the twentieth century. The company was housed in this building after its original home that was built in 1867. The company was founded through the collaboration of Hoyt Sherman and several Des Moines community leaders. In 2004, the company was acquired and changed its name, thus ending the company license that Hoyt Sherman created. This content can be used with the following resources: SS-Econ.9-12.24: Iowa Economy Impact Upon SS-US.9-12.2: Iowans Impact US History This content can be used to educate students on the unique impacts that Hoyt Sherman had both on the history and economy of Iowa and the history of the United States as a whole. As a prominent businessman with a famous extended family, Hoyt Sherman made an indelible mark on the landscape of Iowa during the nineteenth century. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item for any copyright restrictions.