2018.014.023 [Helmet, Military]

This helmet was worn by Iowan David Belin while he served in Korea. Belin was born in Washington D. C. in 1928 and later moved to Sioux City, Iowa. After graduating high school, Belin joined the United States Army and served in Japan and Korea. He then returned to the United States and received his law degree in 1954. After receiving his law degree, Belin joined a law firm in Des Moines, Iowa. In 1964, Belin was appointed legal counsel for the Warren Commission, which investigated John F. Kennedy's assassination. Belin helped the Warren Commission determine that Lee Harvey Oswald worked alone to assassinate Kennedy. In 1975, President Gerald Ford appointed Belin executive director of the Rockefeller Commision, which investigated CIA activities in the United States. In 1991, Belin established the David W. Belin Lectureship in American Jewish Affairs at his alma mater the University of Michigan as an academic forum for the discussion of contemporary Jewish life in the United States. He passed away in 1999. Content can be used with the following standards: SS-WH 9-12.26 Iowans Influence World History and SS-US 9-12.23 Iowans Influence US History in a lesson on Iowans involvement and experience in the Korean War and in a lesson on the Kennedy assassination. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item regarding copyright restrictions.