2018.018.157 [Jug, Milk]

This is a one-gallon clear glass milk jug used and distributed by the Grady Farms Dairy company out of Waterloo, Iowa. The exact production date of this particular jug is undetermined. Grady Farms Diary was founded in 1963 and continues to operate into 2022. This content can be used with the following resources: SS 4.25: Technological Change SS 4.26: Changes to Agriculture This item can be used to educate students on the change that was made in the dairy industry from using glass shipping and storage containers to plastic vessels. This is reflective of how the wider trends of industrialization in the United States impacted the everyday operation of local Iowa businesses, as well as individual life. This item can also be used to educate students on the changes that took place in the agricultural landscape during the late 29th century, For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item.