2018.031.003 [Tombstone]

This is a tombsone for a mule named Jennie at the Mahaska County Historical Society. Part of the only known mule cemetery in the state of Iowa, Jennie was bought by Daniel Nelson at an auction in Centerpoint in 1865. She and her counterpart, Becky, went on to serve as transport animals for the Union Army in the American Civil War. Jennie is recorded as dying in 1897 at the age of 42. This content can be used with the following resources: SS.4.25: Technological Change This content can be used to educate students regarding changes in transportation technology during the 19th century. Prior to the advent of mechanized transport, mules and other equestrian animals were used to move wagons, carts, and implements of war to their desinations. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item for any copyright restrictions.