2018.072.026 [Uniform, Military]

This picture contains a union coat and cloak worn by C.C. Turner. Turner was apart of the 40th IVI (Iowa Volunteer Infantry) that served from 1862 to 1865. This regiment was formed in Iowa City in 1862. This infantry regiment saw combat in many battles, including the Siege of Vicksburg. Overall, the 40th IVI lost around 205 men. Of those 205 men, 19 were combat casualties and the remaining 186 died from disease (civilwararchive.com). For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item regarding copyright restrictions. Iowans during the Civil War fought against the Confederacy. The majority of Iowa Regiments fought in the Western Confederate States such as Tennessee and Arkansas. Iowa had the most volunteers per capita than any other state during the Civil War (iowaptv.org).