2018.009.038 [Clipping, Newspaper]

This newspaper clipping from 1952 discusses several stories related to polio in Iowa. One of the stories discussed is Marilyn (Lawson) Bode's admittance into Raymond Blank Memorial Hospital in Des Moines. In late 1952, Bode contracted polio and she underwent treatment and physical therapy over the next few months. She later wrote about her experiences in a children's story, "My Mean Mom" which talks of the rigourous exercises such as taking hot baths twice a day in a house with no running water. Her book also informs children of the medical history of the 1950s and includes activities. Content can be used with the following standards: SS-U.S. 9-12.23 Iowans Influence US History in a lesson on Bode's experience with polio and the medical history of the mid-1900s. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item regarding copyright restrictions.