2018.034.009 [Statue]

This statue, nicknamed "Albert the Bull," was built in 1964 by the Audubon Junior Chamber of Commerce as a replica of a Hereford bull. It towers 30 feet above the landscape and weighs 45 tons. With a horn span of 15 feet, the concrete statue is visible, night and day, from more than two miles away on U.S. Highway 71. The statue is named in honor of Albert A. Kruse, a former Audubon banker, who originated the "Operation T-Bone" promotion. "Albert" is known wide and far and is an attraction for tourists and photographers alike. The statue was also featured in a Cenex commercial which aired during the 2018 Super Bowl. Content can be used with the following standards: 3rd grade SS 3.28 Cultural Contributions and SS-Econ. 9-12.24 Iowa Impact Upon Economy in a lesson on the Iowa's farming and meat industries. For any use other than instructional resources, please check with the organization that owns this item regarding copyright restrictions.